Our approach

The future of ESG and sustainability data

Sustainability data must be transparent, accountable, and actionable.

Ready for more than a rating?

ESG and sustainable investing have traditionally been dominated by ESG ratings. These are easy to use, but difficult to understand, and do not reflect the actual impact that companies have on the environment and society. Much is lost when the complexity of sustainability is reduced to a number.

Our datasets offer more granularity than conventional ESG data, and our powerful analytics platform connects each individual security in your portfolio to insights from all our datasets, allowing you to run complex ESG analyses with unparalleled depth, across multiple portfolios and benchmarks, focussing on the sustainability metric of your choice. With Matter's solutions, you maintain all the nuances in the data, but gain the benefits of powerful and intuitive ESG analytics and reporting tools.

Transparency and accountability at the core

All our data is traceable back to the originating source, and any methodology that has been applied to it is clearly disclosed. Prioritising transparency in this way ensures accountability and means we consistently apply the highest levels of rigour and quality to the data investors use.

Aligned to leading frameworks

Increasingly, sustainable investing priorities are being shaped by multi-stakeholder frameworks, such as the UN SDGs, TCFD, TNFD, as well as industry standards and new regulation.

Investors today need to think more about this multitude of emerging frameworks and standards, which increases the need for granular data that can be mapped to many different contexts. Our insights are designed and delivered to help you comply, report and align with established and emerging ESG frameworks, so that your sustainable investment efforts will be acknowledged beyond your own organisation.

Translating complexity from diverse sources

Sustainability analysis is complex. We embrace this by accessing data from a wide spectrum of sources, and translating it into measurable and actionable insights for sustainable investing.

Company reported data is the foundation for ESG analyses, but it cannot stand alone. To get a full overview of a company's sustainability profile, we combined company reported data with third party observations from institutions that provide global subject-matter expertise within different fields of sustainability. This provides our clients with the necessary nuances to better understand complex ESG issues.

Power all your ESG use cases

Institutions increasingly struggle to use the same ESG data across a growing number of use cases. Matter's datasets provide high coverage, are systematic, granular, and available in different formats to accommodate a wide range of applications across the value chain of ESG investing - from universe creation to client facing reports.

We provide high-level portfolio insights as well as granular company-level data via multiple channels, from online portfolio analysis to API integration, to ensure that our solutions fit seamlessly into your existing workflows.

Get in touch to know more

Our solutions are already helping financial institutions understand and communicate the sustainability of investments. Contact us to discuss what we can do for you.

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